Midterm Review for CS151 | Program |

I understand most things that we are going over, but I am making a point to pay attention because of the midterm. I almost always get 100% on programming assignments, labs, and homework, but I typically don’t do very well on programming quizzes. I am not sure that they are representative of my knowledge in the class. I don’t know why this is the case, but maybe I just make stupid mistakes? I need to start double checking all of the answers at the end of taking my quiz, even if I am confident in the material. I am going to speak with my professors about it today.

I came up with a clever way to print an equilateral triangle. My professor wrote the code, but in class, I came up with the i*2 -1 for the number of stars and height - i for the number of spaces. I was pretty proud of figuring that out.

# loop to create an equilateral triangle.
    *      #1         #4
   ***     #3         #3
  *****    #5         #2
 *******   #7         #1 
*********  #9 stars   #0 spaces
  # Number of starts: i*2 - 1
           1   1*2 - 1 == 2  - 1 = 1
           2   2*2 - 1 == 4  - 1 = 3
           3   3*2 - 1 == 6  - 1 = 5
           4   4*2 - 1 == 8  - 1 = 7
  height = 5   5*2 - 1 == 10 - 1 = 9

  # Number of spaces:  height - i
              i=1   5 - 1 = 4
              i=2   5 - 2 = 3
            , i=3   5 - 3 = 2
  height = 5, i=4   5 - 4 = 1
  height = 5, i=5   5 - 5 = 0

height = int(input("How tall: ")) 
for i in range(1, height+1):
    print(" "*(height-i) + "*"*(i*2 - 1))