Double Major Log: Information Technology and Computer Science, Concentration: Information Science

2/20/2022 2:00 AM Unlike most other colleges and programs, the Information Technology degree at Indiana State University isn’t a joke. It’s a genuine, legitimate 4-year degree. It’s actually more credit hours than the Computer Science Bachelor’s. However, because of things that I already understood, my knack for computers, and my dual credit classes that I got out of the way in high school, my course schedule is relatively empty and I am finding myself missing coursework. I’m now thinking of double majoring. While this was a previous consideration, I never thought that the schedule would be doable, but it actually is. It’s more than tempting. I am slightly concerned with being somewhat overloaded in my sophomore year and potentially my first semester in my junior year if things don’t work out how I would hope, but in the grand scheme of things that is insignificant. Another note is that I need to ensure that my financial aid would not be jeopardized by taking this many credit hours. I truly enjoy my classes and the additional things I have been doing outside of class and homework. As of tonight, I fully worked out what the schedule would look like, including accounting for which classes were offered in which semesters and my preferred professor for those classes (when I could.) So I am tentatively deciding that I am going to go for it. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? I drop a class at the beginning of my sophomore year with no penalty? While I am not technically a Information Technology and Computer Science double major, that is now what I am preparing for.

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

-Norman Vincent Peale

My Course Plan For Double Majoring:

Course Codes
GH   - General Honors
ECT  - Electronics / Information Technology
CS   - Computer Science
CSS  - Computer Science Security
GPCD - Global Perspectives & Cultural Diversity
MIS  - Management Information Systems

Freshman Year
Fall 2021 14/15
ECT 130                                                     2
ECT 172                                                     3
CS 101                                                      3
MATH 241                                                    3
GH 101                                                      3

Spring 2022 16/15
ECT 272                                                     3
CS 151                                                      3
CS 256                                                      3
PE 101                                                      3 
ENVI110 + 110L                                              4
Sophomore Year
Fall 2022 19/15
ECT 165 - D.C. Circuits and Design                          3
ECT 173 - Fundamentals of Information Technology            3
CS 170  - Web Programming                                   3
CS 201  - Programming Structures                            4
CSS 210 - Introduction to Networking                        3 
GPCD    - Undecided                                         3

Spring 2023 19/15
GH 201   - Intro to the Great Works: Lost (TV) Literature   3 
ECT 176  - Mobile System Design Technology                  3
ECT 231  - Digital Computer Logic                           3
CSS 211  - Introduction to Computer Security                3
CS 303   - Discrete Structures and Computing Theory         4
J. Comp  - Technical Writing                                3

Junior Year
Fall 2023 16/15 or 19/15 If GH 301 taken here then courses may need shuffled
GH 301                                                      3 (MIGHT BE IN THE SUMMER) I MAY NEED TO TAKE AN IVY TECH CLASS
                                                                IF I CAN’T GET THIS IN THE SUMMER SO THAT I AM NOT TAKING 19 CREDIT HOURS WITH A BUNCH OF 300 LEVELS
ECT 301 - Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications               3
ECT 275 - Intro to Digi. & Human Computer Interaction       3 
ECT 373 - Intro to Data Comms and Networking                3
CSS 331 - Files and Database Systems                        3
CS 351  - Computer Organization                             4

Spring 2024 16/15
ECT 473 - Documentation and Policy for IT                   3
ECT 374 - Information System Security                       3
ECT 375 - Adv. Digi. Animation & HCI Technology             3
CS 457  - Database Systems                                  3
CS 457L - Database Systems Laboratory                       1
MIS 301 - Systems Analysis for IT                           3 I CAN’T FIND THIS ON THE COURSE CATALOG

Senior Year
Fall 2024 15/15
GH 401  - Honors Seminar / Independent Study                3
ECT 378 - ENT IT Arch. Implementation & Practice            3
ECT 430 - Senior Seminar                                    1
CS 470  - Programming Languages                             3 
CS 479  - Web Programming II                                3
CS 499A - Senior Design/Seminar Fall                        2 (1-3 Need a total of 4) 

Spring 2025 14/15
ECT 437 - Industrial Computer Sys. Management               3
ECT 471 - Adv. Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications          3
ECT 477 - Culminating Experience in IT                      3
CS 469  - Unix/Linux Administration & Networking            3
CS 499B - Senior Design/Seminar Spring                      2 (1-3 Need a total of 4) 

2/22/2022 9:19 PM Funny story, today is “Twosday.” Tuesday, 2/22/2022. Anyway, I recently discovered that I may be able to add an 8 week class to this semester because my schedule feels very empty this semester. I spent some time looking into it and I think that if this works my schedule might look something more like this.

Course Codes
GH   - General Honors
ECT  - Electronics / Information Technology
CS   - Computer Science
CSS  - Computer Science Security
GPCD - Global Perspectives & Cultural Diversity
MIS  - Management Information Systems

Freshman Year
Fall 2021 14/15
ECT 130                                                     2
ECT 172                                                     3
CS 101                                                      3
MATH 241                                                    3
GH 101                                                      3

Spring 2022 19/15
ECT 272                                                     3
CS 151                                                      3
CS 256                                                      3
PE 101                                                      3 
ENVI110 + 110L                                              4
EPSY241 - Educational Psychology GPCD Requirement           3

Sophomore Year
Fall 2022 19/15
ECT 165 - D.C. Circuits and Design                          3
ECT 173 - Fundamentals of Information Technology            3
CS 170  - Web Programming                                   3
CS 201  - Programming Structures                            4
CSS 210 - Introduction to Networking                        3 
J. Comp - Technical Writing                                 3
Spring 2023 19/15
GH 201   - Intro to the Great Works: Lost (TV) Literature   3 
ECT 176  - Mobile System Design Technology                  3
ECT 231  - Digital Computer Logic                           3
ECT 374  - Information System Security                      3
CSS 211  - Introduction to Computer Security                3
CS 303   - Discrete Structures and Computing Theory         4
Junior Year
Fall 2023 16/15 or 19/15 If GH 301 taken here then courses may need shuffled
GH 301                                                      3 (MIGHT BE IN THE SUMMER) I MAY NEED TO TAKE AN IVY TECH CLASS
                                                                IF I CAN’T GET THIS IN THE SUMMER SO THAT I AM NOT TAKING 19 CREDIT HOURS WITH A BUNCH OF 300 LEVELS
ECT 301 - Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications               3
ECT 275 - Intro to Digi. & Human Computer Interaction       3 
ECT 373 - Intro to Data Comms and Networking                3
CSS 331 - Files and Database Systems                        3
CS 351  - Computer Organization                             4

Spring 2024 16/15
ECT 375 - Adv. Digi. Animation & HCI Technology             3
ECT 473 - Documentation and Policy for IT                   3
CS 457  - Database Systems                                  3
CS 457L - Database Systems Laboratory                       1
MIS 301 - Systems Analysis for IT                           3 I CAN’T FIND THIS ON THE COURSE CATALOG
GH 401  - Honors Seminar / Independent Study                3

Senior Year
Fall 2024 14/15
ECT 378 - ENT IT Arch. Implementation & Practice            3
ECT 430 - Senior Seminar                                    1
CS 470  - Programming Languages                             3 
CS 479  - Web Programming II                                3
CS 499A - Senior Design/Seminar Fall                        1 (1-3 Need a total of 4) 
ECT 477 - Culminating Experience in IT                      3

Spring 2025 12/15
ECT 437 - Industrial Computer Sys. Management               3
ECT 471 - Adv. Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications          3
CS 469  - Unix/Linux Administration & Networking            3
CS 499B - Senior Design/Seminar Spring                      3 (1-3 Need a total of 4) 

3/2/2022 4:31 PM I just got news today that I could add the additional class! It took a lot of emailing and convincing to make this happen. I am pumped for this and hope that it goes very well! I also just found that there is an ivytech class that transfers as technical writing to ISU! Maybe I could take it this summer? Then that would free up some more space! I could additionally do this with a CS class and all of my semesters would be 16 or less and I would save about $700 in total. Anyway, I am very happy that this seems to be working out and I have officially requested to be put in as a double major!

3/2/2022 5:10 PM I could take the equivalent of 305T and CSS 210 in the summer and then move CS 303 to the fall! It’d look like this! I may even consider moving something from my junior year onto my sophomore year as well! Definitely something to think about over spring break!

Course Codes
GH   - General Honors
ECT  - Electronics / Information Technology
CS   - Computer Science
CSS  - Computer Science Security
GPCD - Global Perspectives & Cultural Diversity
MIS  - Management Information Systems

Freshman Year
Fall 2021 14/15
ECT 130                                                     2
ECT 172                                                     3
CS 101                                                      3
MATH 241                                                    3
GH 101                                                      3

Spring 2022 19/15
ECT 272                                                     3
CS 151                                                      3
CS 256                                                      3
PE 101                                                      3 
ENVI110 + 110L                                              4
EPSY241 - Educational Psychology GPCD Requirement           3

Freshman Summer
CSS 210 - Introduction to Networking                        3 
J. Comp - Technical Writing                                 3

Sophomore Year
Fall 2022 17/15
ECT 165 - D.C. Circuits and Design                          3
ECT 173 - Fundamentals of Information Technology            3
CS 170  - Web Programming                                   3
CS 201  - Programming Structures                            4
CS 303  - Discrete Structures and Computing Theory          4

Spring 2023 15/15
GH 201   - Intro to the Great Works: Lost (TV) Literature   3 
ECT 176  - Mobile System Design Technology                  3
ECT 231  - Digital Computer Logic                           3
ECT 374  - Information System Security                      3
CSS 211  - Introduction to Computer Security                3

Junior Year
Fall 2023 16/15 or 19/15 If GH 301 taken here then courses may need shuffled
GH 301                                                      3 (MIGHT BE IN THE SUMMER) I MAY NEED TO TAKE AN IVY TECH CLASS
                                                                IF I CAN’T GET THIS IN THE SUMMER SO THAT I AM NOT TAKING 19 CREDIT HOURS WITH A BUNCH OF 300 LEVELS
ECT 301 - Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications               3
ECT 275 - Intro to Digi. & Human Computer Interaction       3 
ECT 373 - Intro to Data Comms and Networking                3
CSS 331 - Files and Database Systems                        3
CS 351  - Computer Organization                             4

Spring 2024 16/15
ECT 375 - Adv. Digi. Animation & HCI Technology             3
ECT 473 - Documentation and Policy for IT                   3
CS 457  - Database Systems                                  3
CS 457L - Database Systems Laboratory                       1
MIS 301 - Systems Analysis for IT                           3 I CAN’T FIND THIS ON THE COURSE CATALOG
GH 401  - Honors Seminar / Independent Study                3

Senior Year
Fall 2024 14/15
ECT 378 - ENT IT Arch. Implementation & Practice            3
ECT 430 - Senior Seminar                                    1
CS 470  - Programming Languages                             3 
CS 479  - Web Programming II                                3
CS 499A - Senior Design/Seminar Fall                        1 (1-3 Need a total of 4) 
ECT 477 - Culminating Experience in IT                      3

Spring 2025 12/15
ECT 437 - Industrial Computer Sys. Management               3
ECT 471 - Adv. Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications          3
CS 469  - Unix/Linux Administration & Networking            3
CS 499B - Senior Design/Seminar Spring                      3 (1-3 Need a total of 4) 

3/8/2022 10:08 PM This may be my new and permanent class schedule. I have discovered that there are not the transferable summer credits that I had originally thought. This has resulted in a significant change. I will be taking 6 credit hours at ISU and if aid does not come in than I will be taking only 3. If only 3 can be taken, here is that schedule. The main benefit of this is saving money by avoiding class overloads.

Course Codes
GH   - General Honors
ECT  - Electronics / Information Technology
CS   - Computer Science
CSS  - Computer Science Security
GPCD - Global Perspectives & Cultural Diversity
MIS  - Management Information Systems

Freshman Year
Fall 2021 14/15
ECT 130                                                     2
ECT 172                                                     3
CS 101                                                      3
MATH 241                                                    3
GH 101                                                      3

Spring 2022 19/15
ECT 272                                                     3
CS 151                                                      3
CS 256                                                      3
PE 101                                                      3 
ENVI110 + 110L                                              4
EPSY241 - Educational Psychology GPCD Requirement           3

Freshman Summer 2022
J. Comp - Technical Writing                                 3

Sophomore Year
Fall 2022 17/15
ECT 165 - D.C. Circuits and Design                          3
ECT 173 - Fundamentals of Information Technology            3
CS 201  - Programming Structures                            4
CS 303  - Discrete Structures and Computing Theory          4
CSS 210 - Introduction to Networking                        3

Spring 2023 18/15
GH 201   - Intro to the Great Works: Lost (TV) Literature   3 
ECT 176  - Mobile System Design Technology                  3
ECT 231  - Digital Computer Logic                           3
ECT 374  - Information System Security                      3
CS 170  - Web Programming                                   3
CSS 211  - Introduction to Computer Security                3

Junior Year
Fall 2023 16/15 or 19/15 If GH 301 taken here then courses may need shuffled
GH 301                                                      3 (MIGHT BE IN THE SUMMER) I MAY NEED TO TAKE AN IVY TECH CLASS
                                                                IF I CAN’T GET THIS IN THE SUMMER SO THAT I AM NOT TAKING 19 CREDIT HOURS WITH A BUNCH OF 300 LEVELS
ECT 301 - Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications               3
ECT 275 - Intro to Digi. & Human Computer Interaction       3 
ECT 373 - Intro to Data Comms and Networking                3
CSS 331 - Files and Database Systems                        3
CS 351  - Computer Organization                             4

Spring 2024 16/15
ECT 375 - Adv. Digi. Animation & HCI Technology             3
ECT 473 - Documentation and Policy for IT                   3
CS 457  - Database Systems                                  3
CS 457L - Database Systems Laboratory                       1
MIS 301 - Systems Analysis for IT                           3 I CAN’T FIND THIS ON THE COURSE CATALOG
GH 401  - Honors Seminar / Independent Study                3

Senior Year
Fall 2024 14/15
ECT 378 - ENT IT Arch. Implementation & Practice            3
ECT 430 - Senior Seminar                                    1
CS 470  - Programming Languages                             3 
CS 479  - Web Programming II                                3
CS 499A - Senior Design/Seminar Fall                        1 (1-3 Need a total of 4) 
ECT 477 - Culminating Experience in IT                      3

Spring 2025 12/15
ECT 437 - Industrial Computer Sys. Management               3
ECT 471 - Adv. Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications          3
CS 469  - Unix/Linux Administration & Networking            3
CS 499B - Senior Design/Seminar Spring                      3 (1-3 Need a total of 4) 

7/7/2022 5:47 PM

Updated Schedule

Freshman Year
Fall 2021 14/15
ECT 130		2
ECT 172		3
CS 101			3
MATH 241		3
GH 101			3

Spring 2022 19/15
ECT 272		3
CS 151			3
CS 256			3
PE 101			3 
ENVI110 + 110L	4
GPCD    - EPSY 241	3

Summer 2022
J. Comp - Technical Writing 30835 Robin Voll		3
Business Information Tools - 30285 - BUS 180 - 301	3 

Sophomore Year
Fall 2022 16/15
ECT 173 - Fundamentals of Information Technology 	3
ECT 231 - Digital Computer Logic 			3
CS 201   - Programming Structures			4
CSS 210 - Introduction to Networking			3
CS 170   - Web Programming				3
Spring 2023 16/15
GH 201   - Intro to the Great Works: Lost (TV) Literature	3 
ECT 176 - Mobile System Design Technology			3
ECT 374 - Information System Security				3
CSS 211 - Introduction to Computer Security 			3
CS 303   - Discrete Structures and Computing Theory		4

Summer 2023
GH 301 London Trip						3

Junior Year
Fall 2023 16/15 or 19/15 If GH 301 taken here then courses may need shuffled
ECT 301 - Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications	3
ECT 275 - Intro to Digi. & Human Computer Interaction	3
ECT 373 - Intro to Data Comms and Networking	3
CSS 331 - Files and Database Systems			3
CS 351   - Computer Organization			4

Spring 2024 16/15
ECT 165 - D.C. Circuits and Design			3
ECT 375 - Adv. Digi. Animation & HCI Technology	3
MIS 301 - Systems Analysis for IT			3 I CAN’T FIND THIS ON THE COURSE CATALOG
CS 457   - Database Systems				3
CS 457L - Database Systems Laboratory			1
GH 401   - Honors Seminar / Independent Study		3

Senior Year
Fall 2024 15/15
ECT 378 - ENT IT Arch. Implementation & Practice	3
ECT 430 - Senior Seminar				1
CS 470   - Programming Languages			3 
CS 479   - Web Programming II				3
CS 499A - Senior Design/Seminar Fall			2
ECT 477 - Culminating Experience in IT		3

Spring 2025 14/15
ECT 437 - Industrial Computer Sys. Management	3
ECT 473 - Documentation and Policy for IT		3
ECT 471 - Adv. Technical Data Mgmt. & Applications	3
CS 469   - Unix/Linux Administration & Networking	3
CS 499B - Senior Design/Seminar Spring		2