Perfect Even Square Program in C | Program |

As an assignment for CS256, I had to make the following program. There was no true instruction so I am very proud of the way that I was able to check for even perfect squares. If you are also in CS256, the same rules for using internet resources of course apply. No copying code and you must be able to explain each line in your program.

I would love to find a way to make a terminal that runs the program integrated into the website, but that is a project for another day.

#include <stdio.h> //imports the necessary library

//This program prompts the user to enter a number (n), and then prints all of the even squares between 1 and n.

int main(void){
	int n, i; //initializes two integer variables, n = the user's input | i = count in the first for loop
	float j; // initializes one float variable that will be used for float division to check the possible squares in the second for loop
	printf("Please enter a number and this program will find all of the perfect squares below or equal to it:  "); //prompts the user
	scanf("%d", &n); // takes the input from the user

	for (i=1; i <= n; i++){ // for each number <= n
		for (j=1; j <= i; j++){ // for each number <= i (Possible multiples/squares)
				if(i / j == j && i%2 == 0){ // check if i / j == j and if i is even. This is the line that checks if every possible divisor results in itself. If it does than it must be a perfect square
					printf("%d\n", i); // prints the results

Please enter a number and this program will find all of the perfect squares below or equal to it:  200 (The user entered 200)